** UPDATED VERSION AVAILABLE ** SEE V2_pc_scope August 2007 edition ******** PIC Dual Channel Virtual Scope ------------------------------ Everyday Practical Electronics/ ETI October 2000 A virtual oscilloscope for monitoring audio frequency signals via your computer. Uses QBasic on an IBM-compatible PC. * Dual channels * <1 Hz to >10kHz range or better * 5V pk-to-pk or 50V if x10 probe is used * 10K or 100K impedance * Analogue or digital signal display modes * x1 or x10 gain * Sync on/off with controllable trigger level * Graticule on/off, waveform display hold on/off * Waveform data input from disk files * Screen dump to printer * Battery operated This intermediate-spec. virtual oscilloscope is straightforward to build, using a PIC 16F877. It costs a fraction of the price of commercial units. The latest version of the software is available from ftp://ftp.epemag.wimborne.co.uk/pub/PICS/PICvscope Please refer to the EPE web site for details of ordering back issues, subscriptions etc. http://www.epemag.wimborne.co.uk Last updated 16th July 2007