"Mood Loop" by Andy Flind -------------------------- Everyday Practical Electronics/ ETI August & Sept. 2000 EPE has previously explored the principles of generating weak magnetic fields at "brainwave" frequencies, which are thought to encourage mental states of relaxation, creative mental imaging and even sleep. Previous projects used a tiny locally-placed generator. The EPE Mood Loop is a PIC 16F84 powered version produces an increased effect by delivering amuch larger current into an inductiv eloop system which may be placed around a small room, to permeate an area of approximately 4 metres square with the field. Switchable Alpha, Beta, Delta and Theta ranges, driving a power amplifier. The latest version of the software is available from ftp://ftp.epemag.wimborne.co.uk/pub/PICS/moodloop Please refer to the EPE web site for details of ordering back issues, subscriptions etc. http://www.epemag.wimborne.co.uk Last updated 5th. July 2000