PIC Reaction Timer by Paul Hackett ---------------------------------- Everyday Practical Electronics June 1998 This PIC 16C55-powered project drives a 4-digit 7-segment l.e.d. readout and displays your reaction time (the period it takes for the user to press a push-switch after a signal is generated). Resolution is 0.1 milliseconds, and if the switch is not pressed in 999.9ms a 'HELP' message is displayed! The circuit is easy to build, on a stripboard layout. Full details are included in the article. The latest version of this software is available from ftp://ftp.epemag.wimborne.co.uk/pub/PICS/Reaction.Timer Information on Back Issue availability is available from the EPE web site http://www.epemag.wimborne.co.uk Last updated 30th April 1998