Mind PICkler by Andy Flind -------------------------- Everyday Practical Electronics, December 1998/ Jan. 1999. New and updated! The author's very latest PIC-powered version of his "Mind Machine" arrives in the form of the EPE Mind PICkler, a mind entrainment and relaxation system. Mind PICkler uses l.e.d. goggles and headphones to provide special aural and visual sequences that help induce a sense of deep relaxation in the user and reduce stress. The Mind PICkler must not be used by sufferers of Epilepsy. The constructional article contains further disclaimers and warnings which must be adhered to. The latest version of this source code is available from ftp://ftp.epemag.wimborne.co.uk/pub/PICS/MindPICkler Please check the EPE web site for details of Back Issues and subscriptions. http://www.epemag.wimborne.co.uk Last updated 7th November 1998