EPE VIRTUAL OSCILLOSCOPE by John Becker --------------------------------------- Everyday Practical Electronics, January & February 1998 This directory contains the software files for the EPE Virtual Scope project. They can be used as a demo screen version of the project, using an IBM-compatible PC loaded with MS-DOS 3.1 or higher, QuickBASIC/ QBASIC, PS/2 mouse, EGA or VGA monitor. Anything from a 386 upwards will be adequate. INSTRUCTIONS FOR SCREEN DEMO VERSION (no project hardware is necessary to assess these samples) Copy all files into your DOS (Qbasic) directory. Load QBASIC by typing qb/l Load the file vscope.bas Edit Line 5 of the file: setupsim=0 Change the 0 to 1 BUT DO NOT RE-SAVE THE CHANGE TO FILE!!! Run the program. A display will appear, and your PC will start the set-up routine. Initialisation is a once-only affair and will take anything from 6 seconds (Pentium 120) to 25 minutes (386). The bottom left-hand of the display shows progress ("Making Sim file xx of 25"). After set-up is complete, test the controls with your mouse. Left-click on the box called LIVE. It should change to SIMULATE. The Virtual Scope should then display sample sinewaves. Moving the mouse to the right-hand column of the frequenccy setting boxes, left-clicking on any of them will load other simulation files. Click on timebase and deflection controls too. Latest files available from ftp://ftp.epemag.wimborne.co.uk/pub/VScope Please check the EPE web site http://www.epemag.wimborne.co.uk for Back Issue, p.c.b. and subscription details. Problems with VScope software: E-mail editorial@epemag.wimborne.co.uk Problems with FTP/ web site : E-mail webmaster@epemag.demon.co.uk Last updated 7th December 1997 E&OE