CENTRAL HEATING CONTROLLER by Richard Stone Everyday Practical Electronics Nov. 96 -------------------------------------------- The files for this constructional project are available from ftp://ftp.epemag.wimborne.co.uk/pub/heating. This microcontroller-based design uses the Atmel AT89C2051 uC to provide full control of a domestic central heating system. Features -------- * l.c.d. display * push button programming * battery backup * continuous display of temperature and time * thermostat capability * once or twice per day switching cycles. The software has been written in 'C' and in order to program the microcontroller, you need a programmer which is intended for use with the Atmel 89C2051 microcontroller. THE EPE 'PIC' PROGRAMMERS ARE NOT SUITABLE!! The accompanying .h files are not needed to construct the published project, but are now provided for C programmers who may wish to edit the routines. The .h files merely contain function prototypes for the corresponding .c files written by the author. 10th January 1997