SUBMISSION OF ARTICLES The latest version of this document can be obtained by FTP from Wimborne Publishing Ltd., publishers of Everyday Practical Electronics magazine, is always on the look-out for both constructional and general feature articles. To avoid disappointment, it is, however, best to send in a brief precis of the proposed article together with any relevant circuit diagrams and specifications before writing a complete article, which might be turned down because we have something similar in the pipeline, or because it isn't suitable material. The following notes may help those writing for the first time: 1. All manuscripts should be printed or typed, with double line spacing, on one side of plain paper. Diagrams should be on separate sheets clearly labelled with figure numbers and captions. It is best not to supply finished artwork for diagrams since they will invariably be re-drawn by our technical art staff to conform with our house style, but your submitted diagrams must be clearly drawn and labelled. It is helpful if you are able to supply the article on disk. We accept PC-compatible disks and most word processor packages will download into our typesetting software. Otherwise an ASCII version on disk will suffice. We will, of course, still require a printed copy of the article. Where printed circuit boards are used, original film or artwork is required (twice up if possible). 2. Photographs of constructed equipment are sometime helpful but we will normally require the prototype for testing and photography before publication in any case. However, prototypes should not be sent with the article; we will contact you nearer the time. 3. We do not like to restrict authors to a size of article because this nearly always depends on the subject or equipment being described. What we would like to see is a full description which gives ALL the essential details without waffling. Obviously if your manuscript has page after page of description of some minor point, it will be cut back. Alternatively, not enough detail on essential points means we have to re-write parts of the article, or ask you to. 4. We purchase 'All Rights' on manuscripts and our payment for this is Stlg 55.00 per magazine page. By the time we have added a heading, photographs and illustrations, even the smallest constructional project is two pages and the average for a small project is four pages. Payment will be made at the time of publication. 5. Once articles have been received, they are vetted by our technical staff and a decision is then made on their acceptance for publication. This takes about a week. Actual publication will normally follow acceptance by a few months. If you have a possible submission in mind, please write to the Editor at the following address. Mr. Mike Kenward, Editor, Wimborne Publishing Ltd., Allen House, East Borough, Wimborne, Dorset, BH21 1PF. Tel. 01202 881749. Fax. 01202 841692. E-mail